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  • What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?
    Flourish Louisville sees clients by appointment only. We understand scheduling challenges and will work to find an appointment time that is convenient for you. Once scheduled, your clinician reserves that 50-minute block of time especially for you. If you arrive late, we will not be able to extend your session beyond the scheduled time because there is likely another session scheduled after yours. If you need to change or reschedule an appointmement, please provide 24-hours advanced notice to avoid being charged the full fee for a session. This will give your clinician the opportunity to rearrange the schedule and offer your appoinmtent to another waiting client. You may leave your clinician a phone message, send an email, or message through your patient portal.
  • What if I need to speak to my clinician between appointments?
    Our clinicians are typically in session during the work day and therefore unable to answer most phone calls right away. The best way to reach your clinician is to leave a message through the patient portal or a confidential voicemail at (502) 694-0414. Messages are checked throughout the day and portal messages or calls will be returned as soon as possible. Rare phone consults between sessions are by appointment and may incur a charge, as detailed in initial paperwork. Flourish Louisville services are by appointment only, as we are not equipped to provide emergency mental health care services. If you find yourself facing a life threatening emergency at any point in treatment, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room, immediately.
  • Shouldn't I be able to handle this myself? Does seeing a counselor mean that I am sick, weak or flawed?"
    It can be difficult to admit that your are struggling in a culture that values "having it all together." Social media now plays a huge role in leading us believe that everyone else is all smiles and doing just fine! But the reality is that life can throw some significant curve balls and all of us struggle from time to time. Admitting that you are struggling and reaching out for help may be the quickest and most effective way to get back on your feet. Your clinician is happy to answer any questions you may have about how therapy can help you where you are.
  • I am worried about privacy. How does Flourish Louisville protect my privacy and confidentiality?
    At Flourish Louisville, your privacy and confidentiality are a priority. This allows you to openly & honestly discuss your concerns without wondering who will have access to your information. The physical office space is configured with 2 separate entrances so that you can exit the building without passing back through the waiting room, if you choose. You may learn more detailed information about how Flourish Louisville protects your confidentiality, as well as other information about your privacy rights, by reviewing our document entitled Notice of Privacy Practices. Please see below. NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES for FLOURISH LOUISVILLE, PLLC & AMY L. DENLEY, PSY.D. THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW HEALTH INFORMATION MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. I. MY PLEDGE REGARDING HEALTH INFORMATION: I understand that health information about you and your health care is personal. I am committed to protecting health information about you. Information about you is only released in accordance with state and federal law. I create a record of the care and services you receive from me. I need this record to provide you with quality care and to comply with certain legal requirements. This notice applies to all of the records of your care generated by this mental health care practice. This notice will tell you about the ways in which I may use and disclose health information about you. I also describe your rights to the health information I keep about you, and describe certain obligations I have regarding the use and disclosure of your health information. You may request a copy of this Notice at any time by emailing I am required by law to: Make sure that protected health information (PHI) that identifies you is kept private. Give you this notice of my legal duties and privacy practices with respect to health information. Follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect. I can change the terms of this Notice, and such changes will apply to all information I have about you. The new Notice will be available upon request. II. HOW I MAY USE AND DISCLOSE HEALTH INFORMATION ABOUT YOU: I will keep your personal health information confidential, disclosing the minimum necessary health information to facilitate your treatment, payment of your services and health care operations. The following categories describe different ways that I use and disclose health information. Not every use or disclosure in a category will be listed. However, all of the ways I am permitted to use and disclose information will fall within one of the categories. I will use your health information to provide you with professional services. Treatment: Health information may be used to facilitate the coordination and management of health care with other providers, consultations between health care providers and referrals of a patient for health care from one health care provider to another, only when you have signed an authorization of release, or in the case of emergency. For Payment: Health information may be used/disclosed in order to seek payment for the services I provide you. For example, if you choose to use insurance coverage for you care, the insurance company will require information about your treatment and diagnosis in order to process reimbursement to you. For Health Care Operations: Health information will be used to operate this mental health practice. Examples of personnel who may have access to your PHI could include, but are not limited to, business associates responsible for medical records, clerical staff, outside health or management reviewers (only with your consent) and insurance organizations or other businesses that may become involved in the process of mailing statements and/or collecting unpaid balances and individuals performing similar activities. When Required by Law: Health information will be used/disclosed in order to comply with state and federal law. This disclosure may occur without your consent in the following circumstances: Emergencies: Health information may be disclosures to family, friends, or others that you indicate is involved in your care or the payment for your health care, only if you agree that we may do so. The opportunity to consent may be obtained retroactively in emergency situations. I may use or disclose your health information to notify, or assist in the notification of a family member or anyone responsible for your care, in case of any emergency involving your care, your location, your general condition or death, or necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of any person or the public. If at all possible I will provide you with an opportunity to object to this use or disclosure. Under emergency conditions or if you are incapacitated I will use my professional judgment to disclose only that information directly relevant to your care. To Ensure Public Health: Health information will be disclosed, even without your consent, if Dr. Denley has cause to suspect child, elder, or dependent adult abuse, or that you may be the victim of domestic violence, or to prevent or reduce a serious threat to your health or safety or the health and safety of someone else. In these circumstances, health information may disclosed about you to authorities, as well as to alert any other person who may be in danger. Law Enforcement: Health information may be disclosed about you if a crime is committed on the premises or against staff or clinicians or to authorized federal officials in order to protect the President or ensuring the proper execution of military missions, or in cases of national security. Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: Health information may be disclosed in response to a court or administrative order, to other lawful process, including if you’re to make a claim for worker’s compensation, although my preference is to obtain an Authorization from you before doing so. Health Oversight Activities: Health information may be disclosed to health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law or to coroners or medical examiners, when such individuals are performing duties authorized by law. Marketing: Health information will not be disclosed by this practice for marketing purposes. Scheduling Appointments: Your phone number or email address will be used to contact you or remind you about appointments. Billing statements will be sent by email or to your mailing address. III. YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO YOUR PHI: 1. The Right to Request Limits on Uses and Disclosures of Your PHI. You have the right to ask me not to use or disclose certain PHI for treatment, payment, or health care operations purposes. Requests must be made in writing. I am not required to agree to your request, and I may say no if I believe it would affect your health care. 2. The Right to Request Restrictions for Out-of-Pocket Expenses Paid for In Full. You have the right to request restrictions on disclosures of your PHI to health plans for payment or health care operations purposes if the PHI pertains solely to a health care item or a health care service that you have paid for out-of-pocket in full. 3. The Right to Choose How I Send PHI to You. You have the right to ask me to contact you in a specific way (for example, home or office phone) or to send mail to a different address, and I will agree to all reasonable requests. 4. The Right to See and Get Copies of Your PHI. Other than psychotherapy notes, you have the right to get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other information that I have about you. I will provide you with a copy of your record, or a summary of it, if you agree to receive a summary, within 30 days of receiving your written request, and I may charge a reasonable, cost based fee for doing so. 5. The Right to Get a List of the Disclosures I Have Made.You have the right to request, in writing, a list of instances in which I have disclosed your PHI for purposes other than treatment, payment, or health care operations, or for which you provided me with an Authorization. I will respond to your request for an accounting of disclosures within 60 days of receiving your request. The list I will give you will include disclosures made in the last six years unless you request a shorter time. I will provide the list to you at no charge, but if you make more than one request in the same year, I will charge you a reasonable cost based fee for each additional request. 6. The Right to Correct or Update Your PHI. If you believe that there is a mistake in your PHI, or that a piece of important information is missing from your PHI, you have the right to request, in writing, that I correct the existing information or add the missing information. I may say “no” to your request, but I will tell you why in writing within 60 days of receiving your request. 7. The Right to Get a Paper or Electronic Copy of this Notice. You have the right get a paper copy of this Notice, and you have the right to get a copy of this notice by e-mail. And, even if you have agreed to receive this Notice via e-mail, you also have the right to request a paper copy of it.
 EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS NOTICE This notice went into effect on October 15, 2017 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Privacy Notice Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), you have certain rights regarding the use and disclosure of your protected health information.


502-694-0414 (office)
6000 Brownsboro Park Blvd. Suite A, Louisville, KY 40207

© 2017 Flourish Louisville, PLLC

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